With our Enterprise plan, you’ll have an unlimited number of websites within one website hosting account, along with limitless disk space and traffic quotas. Generate an almost unlimited count of email accounts and MySQL databases. You have all you need in order to run different websites at the same time from the same place, making site administration much easier.
Enterprise Package
Enterprise hosting at
£16.03/mo.Explore our services with a 30 day free trial. No credit card required.
Enhanced Service Stability and Security
A hosting system based on security–enhanced Linux–powered web hosting servers
Our hosting servers are running a security–enhanced Linux distribution, which makes them outstandingly well protected and reliable. We’ve invested huge amounts of time and research into constructing a safe network that can cope with substantial hacker or DDoS attacks without disturbances to the web hosting service or putting at risk your site’s overall performance.
Solid–State Drives
Get one up on the competition
All new desktop personal computers and laptops boast solid–state drives and for a reason. Solid–state drives offer faster read and write speeds, making everything so much faster. At Inspira Hosting – all the cloud website hosting servers are provided with solid–state drives, As a result, sites hosted with us load significantly faster than those hosted on traditional hard disks.
And the best part is that you don’t have to change, fine–tune or modify anything in any way to make it open faster.
A safe web app firewall
All our cloud website hosting packages feature ModSecurity. ModSecurity is an Apache module that does an amazing job – it functions as a web app firewall program, effectively defending all your sites against hacker attacks. What’s more everything happens instantaneously, without you having to configure or tweak anything. Your web sites will become protected the moment you choose to host them with us.
VPN Access
Safe, anonymous web surfing
If you live in a place with rigorous web surfing rules but wish to examine the Internet world as much as you can, we have the ideal solution for you. With each of our cloud website hosting packs, you will be able to gain VPN access and examine the Internet freely. All you need to do is set up a new network with the details we provide and we’ll redirect your entire inbound and outbound traffic through one of our VPN data centers.
A Database Manager
A one–stop database administration tool.
With the Databases Manager built into the Site Control Panel, you’ll be able to effectively and quickly control all your databases. You can set up brand new databases with just a few clicks. We also offer detailed MySQL usage stats that will show you your most–used databases
And we have set up a software tool that lets you back up any of your databases with a simple click, without having to log into the phpMyAdmin interface.
Web Accelerators
An array of software tools to boost the speed of your sites
Within the Site Control Panel you can find a number of Site Accelerator Applications to speed up your dynamic, database–powered websites. By caching web content, these tools significantly decrease the number of times a database is requested and thus curtail the server load. This will help all your web sites open faster and as a result, will lower the bounce rates. You can choose from among 3 website accelerators – Varnish, Memcached and Node.js.
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Service guarantees
- Register today. We'll transfer your site in for free, and you can take advantage of our 30 day money–back guarantee if you're not 100% happy with our service.
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- Quickly compare the resources and features available from our website hosting bundles. See which package provides you with exactly what you need to set up and take care of your websites with ease.
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Contact Us
- Our sales team are available during business hours to answer any questions regarding Inspira Hosting’s cloud website hosting services.