Help and Support Channels

  • 1 hour ticket response time
  • A 60 mins Inquiry Resolution Warranty

  • Each ticket that you submit to our customer help Dept will be responded to within approximately one hour. All common questions are going to be replied to immediately. However, if the help request you have sent calls for the help of a proficient admin technician, we will address the ticket to him and will let you know about the postponement.

  • Top quality support service
  • Top–class Technical Assist Service

  • We offer 24x7 client support through a turbo–fast ticketing solution integrated into your Control Panel. You may e mail us at any time about any of the software packages that come pre–installed on the virtual server, such as the selected OS, the server administration panel and our in–house designed Site Control Panel.

  • Intuitive help center
  • An Intuitive Help Zone

  • In the Site Control Panel that is provided gratis in your virtual server, you will discover a useful Help zone, incorporating everything you should be informed about when supervising your sites and apps. We have introduced a wide range of how to reports and video guides that display the essential web site administration responsibilities in an easy–to–understand fashion.