What is vTiger?

The vTiger CRM (Customer relationship management) web application creates a complete implementation with your company. It’s available free–of–charge, offering capabilities which are only available in the paid editions of rival CRM web applications, including SugarCRM or Salesforce.

The vTiger CRM web app is accessible in more than fifteen languages. It offers sales computerization (merchandise, rates, payments), customer care functions, inventory managing, evaluation and reports, and many more. It offers extensions for common e–mail clients (Outlook, Thunderbird, Gmail). Furthermore, vTiger CRM comes with fully–featured mobile phone applications – it’s easy to command your organization through your tablet or, perhaps your smartphone.

vTiger is a trademark of Vtiger Systems India Private Limited and shares no connection with Inspira Hosting.

vTiger–Optimized Cloud Website Hosting Plans Services

When you’ve got just a single program to take care of your business, you ought to have a safe place where one can host it. At Inspira Hosting you can hire protected, dedicated vTiger cloud website hosting plans services. We have constructed our own cloud website hosting platform on top of safe Linux Servers. ModSecurity – a web app firewall is enabled automatically for all the cloud website hosting plans accounts.

In addition to the safeguarded environment, we make available to you various capabilities in order for your web site and web app to improve without restraint. Our vTiger cloud website hosting plans solutions come with unlimited disk space, unrestricted data traffic and unlimited MySQL storage. We’ve got a 24x7 support service which has a 20 minute regular reply time. If you’re not contented with Inspira Hosting’s services, you will have a reimbursement within 30 days after your purchase.

A Point & Click Site Control Panel

So as to better command your website as well as all additional parts of your web presence, we have made an outstanding Site Control Panel. It’s created to be in the cloud and also, it really helps to command your sites along with your domain names through the exact same location. It is at the same time easy–to–navigate and it is available packed with no charge software tools and bonuses.

Using the File Manager, it’s easy to upload a file just by dragging it within your browser window. You can do 1–click database back up copies with our Databases Manager. Multiple domain name administration is straightforward with the Domain Manager. You can easily install any of over 40 unique applications using Inspira Hosting’s Apps, and this is simply scratching the surface of what comes built into our Site Control Panel.