FTP, which is short for File Transfer Protocol, is one of the most commonly used means of transmitting web files between a PC and a web server. Using an FTP client program like FileZilla, you can establish a connection to your hosting account and drag ‘n’ drop files or whole folders in both directions and the software will do all the rest. There are several pluses of using File Transfer Protocol, among them the option to resume an upload/download in case there is some problem with the FTP connection or the ability to set up different FTP accounts. With the latter option, you can set up FTP users that can access only certain folders in your web hosting account, but no other folders, email accounts or other information, which makes it the best solution in case you need to give a web designer access, for example. You can also use an FTP account with famous apps like FrontPage or Dreamweaver and upload the web content that you’ve created directly from them, without having to make use of third-party software.

FTP Accounts in Cloud Website Hosting

Any of the cloud website hosting packages that we are offering will enable you to create an unlimited number of FTP accounts, so you’ll be able to administer the content of your websites separately or to provide other persons with access to any website in your website hosting account. In case you’ve got a web design program pre-installed on your computer, you’ll be able to maintain multiple websites at once and to keep them up to date without any efforts. In case you give the login details to some other person to do a certain task, you’ll be able to change the password for that FTP account or to remove it altogether with only a few clicks and avoid any risk of unauthorized access to your web content in the future. For your convenience, all FTP accounts that you create will be displayed alphabetically in the respective section of your Hepsia hosting Control Panel.

FTP Accounts in Semi-dedicated Servers

With our custom-developed Hepsia web hosting Control Panel, you’ll be able to create as many FTP accounts as you wish, even separate accounts that can access the same directory – if you wish several users to be able to connect to the same website content with completely different login credentials. Our semi-dedicated hosting plans don’t have a limitation on the maximum number of the FTP accounts that you can manage at the same time, so you’ll be able to manage your web files and to update your websites without any effort. In case you wish to limit the access to your website content, you can change the directory that an account can connect to or you can remove the account completely with no more than a few mouse clicks via the Control Panel. You will be able to view all the FTP accounts and to edit any of them, if needed. For your convenience, you can also download an auto-config file for a number of FTP applications. In addition, we’ve compiled exhaustive help articles and instructional video clips, which will help you manage your FTP accounts in a seamless way.

FTP Accounts in VPS Servers

The VPS server packages that we are offering will allow you to set up an unlimited number of FTP accounts to manage the content of your websites. This is valid regardless of which plan you buy and which Control Panel you pick upon signup – cPanel, Hepsia or DirectAdmin. In any case, you will gain FTP access to the server without having to install any software, since an FTP server is an integral part of the basic software stack that is included in the VPS packages by default. You can set up one FTP account for every domain or subdomain that you have registered or even several accounts for one single directory – if you want different persons to connect to the website content in it using their own log-in credentials. With any of the Control Panels, creating, deleting or modifying an FTP account will require no more than a couple of mouse clicks through a simple-to-use web-based interface.